So many things have changed and yet some things stay the same. I wandered down to the railway tracks on West 6th to where they now have a wonderful community garden all along the railway line. Talk about great use of space. Very peaceful. I love to wander and look and see what people are doing in their garden allotments. Mostly they were neat and tidy and look to be ready to either plant or perhaps some things are in already. Perennials are starting to come up and the birds are in full force.
It makes me yearn for a garden of my own and I hope these people realize how lucky they are to have this. It does give me some great ideas for when I do get a garden. I just hope the one I get isn't in too much of a mess. I'd like to put in some rhubarb and lots of flowers for cutting and for the birds and bees. I love the decorative elements people put in their gardens.