The weather has been pretty miserable for the past couple of weeks so when there was a break in the weather I decided to take perhaps my last trip out for a while... maybe.
The gardens were glistening in the sunlight and luckily the weather held. When I arrived at my plot I couldn't see my sunflowers towering anymore and I realized that they had toppled over from the wind and rain, poor things. It looked like the birds had gotten most of the seeds so that's a good thing.
Originally I had been planning to leave them up for awhile so I had to pull them out. They were huge!! The stalks massive! I hope they compost over the winter. What the heck do you do with these guys. I love growing them for the birds but I might not put in as many next year. Or maybe a smaller variety?
My plan was to pull all my carrots, and spread leaves on the beds. I kind of ran out of leaves and it looked like other gardeners had raked up the ones around the gardens so I might have to take another trip when I get another few bags. I see that a lot of people are putting straw on their beds which might not be a bad idea but I haven't really checked out where to buy it. There is still time. All in all my garden is in pretty good shape and hopefully I will be allowed to rent it again for next year.
I now have a refrigerator full of misshapen and colored carrots. There are a lot of them. I'm thinking of maybe carrot soup... carrot cake...the possibilities are endless.