Sunday, July 27, 2014

Trying to keep up


I have been very lax at posting anything these days but I have been crazy busy just trying to keep up with my life. Keeping up with the garden, work, family and getting ready (in shape) for my big walking adventure has definitely been a challenge.

I only have five weeks left with my garden until I leave it in my husbands capable hands. I hope anyway. At least he has promised to come out and water and hopefully pick any wayward zucchini.

The garden has been great. The garlic is harvested and drying in the basement. The cucumbers have had a bit of a hiccup this year and now I know what not to do. I started some from seed in my basement but they really really didn't like being transplanted. Never will I do that again. Seeds directly in the soil from now on. Live and learn. I have had a couple of cucumbers so far which is great. The swiss chard also kind didn't grow so I had to reseed.

The peas were the best that they have ever been. We actually had enough to eat peas for a couple of weeks. Oh, were they good!! I had the brilliant idea of planting them along the wire compost and they seemed to enjoy that and it gave them something to hang onto. Along with that of course it hid the compost.

The beans and tomatoes were are just starting to harvest and we have had two zucchini so far. The beets, carrots, kale and lettuce are also doing well. All in all it has been an awesome start to the growing season. Now it is just trying to keep up with it!

A beautiful sight and worth all the work!

It doesn't get any better than this!

Belated Sunday Snaps

These have actually been taken over the last few weeks but have just gotten around to posting!

A beautiful hummingbird at the bee balm.
 Blue Thistle

Young Bee Balm

 Owl at an abandoned building


A lovely place to sit