Sunday, August 26, 2012


 The fields behind the gardens

I try and take as many pictures as I can in the garden but lets face it sometimes I am so tired all I can manage are a few quick snaps.

It was a nice cool day today so after I did my watering and picking I took my camera went for a walkabout and shot a few pics of the other gardens. I am always amazed at the creativity of my fellow gardeners.
This is from my favorite garden

 Pretty cool gate

The tin man

Someone even had grapes!


Oh tomatoes... how long I have waited for you.


When I went to the garden on Wednesday night I was surprised at just how many there were.

I have an eclectic assortment of them. One Heirloom, one yellow and red cherry tomatoes and two early girl. They were so heavy a few green ones were on the ground so I am trying to ripen them in a paper bag. If that doesn't work maybe I will try fried green tomatoes. Whatever happens not one will go to waste.

Oh please, please let there be no blight until they are all ripe and picked!

The heirloom tomatoes are a bit strange. Kind of misshapen but they taste pretty good. This large one here made a very tasty salad for my husband and I. It was lovely, made with home made basil pesto and fresh mozzarella. It doesn't get much better than this.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


One of my deformed carrots

According to my mother my grandfather always said that you can't grow carrots in Vancouver. He would know, but I would love to prove him wrong. So far I haven't been so successful.

I bought a packet of assorted carrots in different colors. I have had some success with mostly the lighter colored carrots for some reason but the rest all have legs and look pretty strange. I don't know if color actually makes a difference or not but that is what has happened. They are also quite stubby. They still taste good but there just isn't much to eat. I am going to try again next year but after that I will move on.

Apparently they split like this because they hit a lump in the soil. My soil has lots of lumps being pretty new. Next year I might try putting sand where the carrots are going to be. They also don't like manure, one more thing to remember, pretty fussy I must say...

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Ah yes, zucchini, every gardener's dream and nightmare. You either love it or hate it. I have to admit, it is pretty rewarding to grow. In the right circumstances you can harvest an amazing amount from one plant. Stand there and you can almost watch them grow. It is rather incredible. You have to stay on top of it though. Miss a couple of days and you have that monster vegetable that makes you leave your home at midnight and depositing them on your neighbour's doorstep as you giggle all the way home. For the record I have never actually done that.


Luckily I like zucchini but when they are small. I tried to give away a couple of small ones to friends as I thought they would love them but faces and comments were made like "they are rather slimy" or "eww it isn't a vegetable I would ever eat except in a loaf".

They don't know what they are missing. I'm one of those people who actually even buy it in the winter.

My usual way of cooking them is to sauté in a little butter and either add mushrooms or tomatoes. Deep fried zucchini sticks are good with a dipping sauce, but I never make them. I will however, if I do get an abundance (I hate to presume) try baking them. A little healthier.

Suddenly my planting scarlet runner beans around my zucchini doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I still manage to get a few zucchini but not as many as my fellow gardeners. My neighbour had bags of the stuff and HUGE!! She asked hopefully if I would like some and said "take all you want". I actually took two and gave one to my zucchini hater friend who hates zucchini but loves zucchini bread.

I grated mine and got 6 cups of shredded zucchini. A loaf of zucchini bread is always tasty and the rest goes in the freezer for those winter loaves.

Happy Baking!

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes

I love this saying and I think it is very true. I so wish I had thought of it. I'm thinking of ordering the T-shirt.

It is fun to walk around and see what everyone is doing and saying in their plots. Usually it is just signs telling people not to pilfer their veggies and then you get this one....

The weather has been incredibly hot. My eggplant is doing well and loving the heat. Cucumber's too. Not so sure, however if I like eggplant so much but they say fresh is the best so I will try it. So far everything that I have grown is so tasty. I picked two cherry tomatoes and my hubby and I had one each. Oh they were so good! A couple more are starting to turn red so I'm hoping that my hard work will pay off. The heat is such a good thing for them.

I harvested a few potatoes last week and came home with a big bag. They are beautiful. Not quite as sweet as the little new ones you buy but really good. I think I like the red ones better, they seem sweeter but I only dug up a couple of them. You can only eat so many potatoes (even me) so I will leave the rest and harvest them later.

A pretty cool mason bee house