We have at our house a very feisty hummingbird. I've named him Roger and he has attached himself to our yard and in his mind it is his, all his.
Last year I noticed a very aggressive hummingbird, dive bombing all the other hummingbirds and there were a lot of them. I got a good look at him as he hovered in front of my face and at first thought that it was a female except I noticed that I could see a bit of red glinting in the sun and speckles like a baby robin. Pretty cheeky baby! He stuck around until October, about a month after the rest of the gang had left and I was worried that he would hang around all winter. I didn't really want to be feeding a hummingbird during the winter here as we get a lot of snow and it is too cold for a little bird. I was very relieved when he left although I did miss him.
In March again came a very early male hummingbird and I like to think that it is the same one. There were no leaves on the trees and it was easy to spot his favorite perches in the yard. He looked like a little red leaf. He was the king of the castle.
Right now he is beside himself. The rest of the flock have returned with a vengeance and he is trying hard to keep the feeder all to himself. I would watch him and he would swoop down from wherever he was and attack. His favorite spot is to sit right on top of the feeder and spread his tail if anyone comes close. Today, however I think it is finally getting too much for him and he can't keep up. He is finally outnumbered. It probably won't stop him but I just hope nobody gets hurt.