Monday, June 3, 2013

Listen to the critters

Saturday morning I heard the crows causing a commotion outside. I looked out but didn't see anything but they pretty smart so I knew something was going on. A little while later I was just going to go out the back when I saw big cat feet walking along the chain link fence in amongst the bushes at the back. At first I thought it might be a cougar because there have been some in the area. I ran upstairs not wanting to venture outside and from the deck I could see that it was a bobcat. His head popped up a couple of times and then he disappeared. I hoped that little squirrel that visits would be smart enough to stay away. It is always a good idea to listen to the animals when you are outside, especially those crows!

After all that excitement I decided to forgo working in the back yard for a while and head to the community plot. Honestly my intention was to go for 15 minutes, water my tomatoes and leave. An hour later I was still there trying to do a little weeding and to make some kind of order out of all that straw that I so quickly tossed on my compost pile. It is bursting at the seams. I have no place to put my kitchen scraps until I organize it. Am I sure this was a good idea?? Not so sure but time will tell. I'm quickly running out of room. I think I had better bring some home for my tomatoes and potatoes. I'm just afraid I might get mice or something not so desirable as we do seem to get a lot more critters up the mountain. I know in the long run it will be good for the soil so I have to keep that in mind.

Maybe some straw stuffed into these babies?
After picking some more lettuce, baby kale and some radishes for a couple of salads I headed home.

At home I had another surprise, a fish in the pond. He must have been there since we moved in almost a year ago but I've never seen him. He must have been hibernating through the winter poor thing. I guess if he has managed to survive this long I'm not going to worry about him. He must be getting food from somewhere. Kind of strange though. That pond is a bit of a mystery to me. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing with it. I did ask at a pond place and was told to add some natural stuff to it which I did in the fall and spring and I do rinse out the filter every week but the water still looks a bit mirky and quite frankly I feel a little lost. I might have to have somebody come out sometime and perhaps teach me what to do and give some advice. I love the sound of it and last year the water lilies were beautiful. They are a little sad at the moment but I'm hoping they perk up.

Hard to believe they were so beautiful last year.

I'm still having a war with a few areas of the back yard. The little trees have found good homes and I was pretty ruthless with a bunch of stuff that was pretty boring. I always feel so guilty getting rid of things but it had to be done. Then there is the matter of the goutweed. Why do people plant this stuff? I have been trying to smother it but to no avail. The whole bed had to be dug as much as possible. It is pretty hard to dig so I smothered it in newspaper, wet it and covered it in bark mulch. There it will sit until next year when it might be safe to plant. It is doubtful that it will be entirely eradicated but at least this way I can keep picking the little bits. Hopefully it will get the hint and go away. Those roots are pretty impossible to dig up.

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