Another beautiful day out there. I headed to the garden early to plant a row of kale, radishes and mixed lettuces and also to water a bit. I took a bit more bee balm (hoping that isn't a mistake) and a miniature iris and some chives. We might be moving from our townhouse and I wanted to make sure I took some plants with me. At least this way I can transplant them slowly and then if we move somewhere that needs plants, I can move them. Some things I have had through a couple of moves so they go with me. Since we haven't officially sold yet they are still mine to move.
It was quite busy at the garden. There a lot of people working and then the second wave of people choosing gardens was happening. I could tell by the people with maps in hand looking at available plots. The same dazed look was in their eyes as was in mine a month ago. My little garden has evolved so much since then thanks to all the help I had. I love, love, love, my new raised beds!
I brought my new collapsible greenhouse and hope that it doesn't either get stolen or blown away. You attach it with pegs but a good gust of wind might just lift it up. I'm trying to warm the soil for next week when the tomatoes will hopefully get planted. This should do for them until they get big and then I will try and rig up something with stakes and plastic. I'm not too handy in the building department but just as long as they are semi covered with some air it should do.
I would love something like this, but you can't seem to find these old fashioned wire fences anymore, more is the pity.

Happy Gardening!
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