My little tomatoes are snug as bugs in a rug but since they are covered the rain isn't doing them much good. I will have to try and get there at some point to give them a drink. That is the one disadvantage of tomatoes in the greenhouse. It hasn't been hot so they should be fine. Not really wanting to go slogging in the wet down to the garden. It gets so wet there that instant pools appear along with swimming ducks. Luckily at my end of the garden it stays a bit dryer.
I'm a little worried that I have too much composted manure in my garden and perhaps I should have tried to get more compost. In time I know that it will get better when I get my compost up to speed but hopefully it will be okay for this year. A lot of plants are starting to poke their heads out. Yesterday I saw sunflowers, peas, carrots, lettuce, onions and last but not least the potatoes. The potatoes I think I might have screwed up in the planting. It has been so long since I have done it that I forgot that I guess you are supposed to cut them. When you buy a bag of potatoes to plant it is probably a good idea to share as I had too many as it was and I didn't even cut them. Not sure how this is going to work out. Live and learn. Or maybe something like try not to forget for next time!

I also planted out a zucchini plant and put up a teepee over the top so that scarlet runner beans will grow around it. I want to give something to the little hummers that I see around the garden.
It was dead easy to do and hopefully these guys will love it. I think it looks rather pretty.

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