It has been a rather stressful few weeks. Thank goodness for the garden. It is an oasis in the middle of my life right now.
We have been in the middle of selling our townhouse and trying to purchase a home the second it sold. At the 11th hour it finally came together mostly last weekend but not without a few glitches. I have to admit I have been dragging my heels on this one. I didn't especially want to move and although I wasn't overly happy space wise I figured financially right now I didn't want to do it. There are a lot of things that I won't miss and thinking about it the only things I will miss are the wonderful forest walk nearby, the hummingbirds fighting at the feeder and our nice neighbours on the one side of us. The neighbour on the other side is another story...
We were going to buy quite a nice house with a boring little yard when within a few hours of deadline we found something even better. At least I'd like to think so. The best part for me was the garden and I was instantly smitten. Sometimes that isn't a good thing and your heart rules your brain but I pray that this time it will be a dream come true. It is the back yard of my dreams and I just hope that I can keep it as nice as it is now. It even has a little pond. No fish, but a couple of frogs. I don't think I will get fish as the herons just come and eat them and I think I would be too upset at that. We move in only six weeks.
Meanwhile lucky for me my raised beds at the garden are quite maintenance free at the moment. I see a few weeds trying to surface but so far they are manageable. I want to get some wood chips for the pathway but I can't use cedar so have to look for something else. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to get some and put it on the path. It will make it a little less muddy when it rains.
My little tomatoes are still loving the mini collapsible greenhouse. It rained so hard one night when I went the next day to water the tomatoes I found that it was full of water and flattened down a bit. It popped right back after I dumped all the water out. I don't know how long I will be able to keep them in there as they are really growing fast. My basil seeds are also sprouting so they must be happy too and I planted them earlier than they suggested.
I had to plant a few more peas as some seem to have "disappeared". Not too many of the sweet peas have come up and only 5 of the sunflower seeds. Not quite sure what happened to the sweet peas but I think the birds got to the sunflowers. I guess they don't realize that I am planting them for them? I guess not... I bought another pack today and will try again. My cucumber plant also has been eaten but the seeds seem to be coming up. Everyone at the garden has copper wires around their plants so I will follow their lead if I can find any and put them around my cucumbers. I only really want a couple of plants. Otherwise I guess I will do the eggshell trick.
Happy gardening!

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