My little greenhouse has certainly done the trick. My dollar tomatoes loved it and grew so big that they were touching the walls and top. It was time to set them free (at least for a little while). The tomatoes still have to be covered so my trusty companion and I rigged up a little tent for them. It isn't the best and we had to go back today and adjust it a bit. Wouldn't you know it, we had a big rain storm which filled it with water so it now has a pole in the centre to allow for the rain to run off. It isn't the best, but hopefully will last the season. I am amazed at how quickly these guys grew. It isn't even July yet!
Hopefully I can grow tomatoes at our new place next year. That should eliminate the blight problem. I could start them in the mini greenhouse and then use it at the garden for the cucumbers which seem to be lagging in the garden. They just don't like the wet it seems.

My kale is growing like crazy and the spinach is starting to seed so it has to be eaten as well. The zucchini has a small one growing with lots of flowers so it won't be long either. I planted scarlet runner beans around the zucchini so we will see how that goes. It is kind of pretty and a good use of space if it works.

The radishes are going crazy so I gave a bunch to my friend Allison (whose dad built my boxes) with some lettuce for a salad. I made a radish salad tonight and it was pretty good but what the heck do you do with a bunch of radishes. Something I will definitely have to investigate. They have a nice mild flavor to them. Not the bitter ones that I remember. The name is French Breakfast and they are heirloom seeds put out by West Coast Seeds. Quite nice. They are quite large and still not bitter. I still have a few left to pick so hopefully will be okay. Something has been nibbling on the odd one but as long as they don't take them all, I don't mind sharing.
I am making a kale pesto tomorrow for pasta. I am trying to find recipes for kale as it grows well and is very good for you and apparently good for your eyes as well. The recipe called for roasted garlic and roasted red peppers. I did the prep today so if it works out well I will post the recipe. The kale that I have been growing doesn't seem to be as bitter as the store bought stuff so I think some kale chips might be the next thing. It is great as it just keeps growing and growing no matter how much you pick it. Lettuce too! I bought a great mesculun mix which I have been picking a lot of and it doesn't seem to be too bothered with slugs. I see holes here and there but not as much as the romaine that I used to try to grow.
With the big move and packing I hope I can make use of all the veggies that are coming up. It is hard to be creative with all that is going on. I have this week off to pack so hopefully will be able to get a lot done.
On our way out yesterday we stopped by the honeysuckle which the hummingbirds love and I was able to take a picture of this little girl with her head cocked. She must have been listening for bugs.

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