Sunday, March 16, 2014

Small batch canning

Over the past winter I have been thinking of better ways to save and use my harvest.

I used to love to can jellies and jams and at one time I made pickles but I don't get enough of anything to make the large batches that the recipes call for. After doing a bit of research online (I love the internet) I found a blog on canning small amounts. Perfect for me because then I can do it as I go and get a variety of things. It looks like an awesome site.

I was so impressed and I had a book credit to use up so I bought this book and am really looking forward to trying a few of the recipes. One I wish I had last year was for green tomato pickles. I had so many last year that I had to pick green and that would have been a great idea as quite a few went to waste. I'm not sure if I like green tomato pickles but if you don't have to make a huge batch it gives you the opportunity to try it first.

I have a big hiking holiday planned this year in September so I'm not sure how much canning I will be able to do but with any luck I can try a few things out.

I love the way everything looks so beautiful in jars.

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