Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shopping for the Garden

Today was my starting seeds indoors seminar at Amsterdam Greenhouses. It lasted about an hour and I did learn a few things. Some things I knew but it was interesting and nice to be in the company of other gardeners. I think the most important thing is not to start things too early or they get leggy. I have made that mistake before! The other is to get your plants accustomed to being outside gradually. I have those wonderful new grow lights that my hubby bought me for Christmas so I'm hoping for success!

There was an air of excitement as people started arriving and you could tell how eager everyone was for spring!

I loved being in the greenhouse and looking at all the rows of plants for the new season.

Some of the containers being planted for the coming season. Hard to believe that in a couple of months they will be gorgeous and probably $50.00. It would be so lovely to have a greenhouse that was heated. A girl can dream!

This was my score for today. In my excitement I bought two packets of cilantro but will return one in two weeks when I go for my second seminar. I bought some really beautiful Dahlia tubers for my backyard garden. I love, love them. They love to be cut and they are so beautiful in the house in summer. My sister grew lovely ones when she had a garden and I hope I can do the same. They were a bit expensive but I will try and keep them for next year too. I also bought some starter mix for growing some seeds as well as a hodge podge of other seeds. I did bring my list so I didn't get totally out of control.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so my hubby and I will make a trip to the garden as I want to add some organic lime to it. Except where the potatoes will be of course. I'm curious to see how my garlic is doing. It is so nice to be able to do this stuff early.

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