Sunday, March 10, 2013

You never know til you try!

Very very sore and tired but happy with what I accomplished yesterday in the garden.

It was a gorgeous day so after making a list of what to take I headed out to my allotment garden. I took a bag of sea soil for my flower bed and two bags of organic compost for the beds where I was planting potatoes and peas. There were other eager gardeners there mostly getting their beds ready. I think I am the only one who has done any planting so perhaps I'm early and I probably am but it nothing comes up I will just reseed. You never know till you try.

While I was there I decided to get a wheelbarrow full of manure for some of my beds that needed topping up while there was still a supply of last years stuff. Since it has been sitting around all winter it isn't as potent as the new manure that will replace it. After filling it up it was so hard to push and I thought boy I'm more out of shape than I thought. That is when I realized that the tire on the wheelbarrow was flat. Yes, I should have checked it but it looked okay when I got it but with the weight of the manure it was flat as a pancake. I had to get a new one from the other end of the garden and fill that one up. Needless to say I was pretty pooped (ha ha) at this point.

Anyway, I got everything I wanted to done and went home to the lovely smells of my pork roast in the crockpot. It was still early so I went to the backyard and did a bit more clean up. Still lots to do there!

Dinner was awesome. I had started a very easy bread (no knead) in the morning that you cook in a dutch oven recipe here and of course the pork roast recipe here which was more like pulled pork. With the pork recipe I substituted vegetable broth for the water and thickened it all at the end with cornstarch. Lovely and so nice when you have been outside working all day.

My new Zinnia babies

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